Our Eco Council is made up of representatives from every class from year 2 to year 6.
Over the course of the year we will lead campaigns in the school to avoid waste, encourage recycling and save resources such as paper, water and electricity. Another role of the Eco Council is to raise awareness within the school community of the ongoing climate crisis and the importance of looking after our environment.
The children on the Eco Council have the opportunity to grow vegetables in the school allotment as well as trees and wild flowers within the school grounds. They also learn about the importance of biodiversity and healthy ecosystems as part of their role. Certificates are awarded during our weekly celebration assembly by the Eco Council to children and adults who have been identified for looking after our school environment.
Our Eco Council would like to thank Mr Beaumont for his kindness as we now have a newly, handmade Eco Award. Our Eco Council have decided to award this to the person who has gone above and beyond with promoting the importance of looking after our community once every half term.